Friday, September 12, 2008

Music Establishment (Suntec)

Date: Tuesday, 9th Sept. 2008
Time: 3:05PM

This store has a different style compared to HMV. It is very posh and elegant! In the store, all the large posters on the walls are framed up nicely with these huge golden-colored detailed frames. It’s very attractive. You know, the very royal kind of feeling.

They had chandeliers lightings in their store which made it even more poshy! One word – beautiful. It makes me feel extraordinary as a shopper inside that store. I would enter the store and not think that their stuff is expensive because I know that music albums are all around the same price everywhere and anywhere. Right? Okay, if they were selling stuff like clothing, I would not have entered the store. I bet their stuff would be very expensive.

I liked the way that they displayed their discs. Somehow, it’s very appealing and much better as compared to HMV. Why is that so? It’s very consistent and repetitive! All their discs are tilted sideways neatly in straight rows on the shelves. Another point is, they put more than one of the same discs in the same row. Repetition. It works! Very attractive indeed.


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