Monday, September 8, 2008

Lucky Plaza

Date: Thursday, 4th Sept. 2008
Time: 4:15PM

Our first thought was that, there are always a lot of foreign workers hanging around there during their free time. And our question is… why is that so?! Why are they not attracted to the other places like Heeren or Paragon?

Thus, we made a trip down to Lucky Plaza and we noticed that there were a lot of differences as compared to Heeren or Cineleisure; such as the things that they sell there, and that their stores are not grouped in categories. For example, Pizza Hut was located in between an electronic store and some other weird store! It was certainly odd. It appeared messy and disorganized as well.

The items that they sell there seems to be very cheap (with those ultra huge ‘offer’ tags almost everywhere), and they really do sell everything and anything that you need. You can just find whatever that you want from glittering jewellery to high tech gadgets! And they have no big international branded stores there at all. However, there were a lot of second hand stuff like hand-phones and electronic items being sold there. Perhaps, because that they have a huge variety of items being sold there, they are able to attract the general public such as from the young to the old. It caters to everyone.

We also noticed that the crowd who goes there are not just only foreign workers, but as well as those senior citizens and tourists. We also noticed that the sales person in the stores are mostly senior citizens or the filipino people. Perhaps, for better communication with their customers who are mostly foreigners (filipino) and senior citizens?

Another point is that, the Lucky Plaza building is old. Their lightings were dull and there were no huge colorful displays of advertisements around the mall. One word – boring. Perhaps, that is why teenagers do not hang out there. It’s just not attractive and appealing enough.

This is the biggest attraction for those foreign workers here. The bank, money changer, monetary collection and remittance stores! Yes, that’s right. The main point that they came to Singapore was to earn money, right? Earn and send the precious money back to their country! And also, there were a lot of duty-free stores in the mall.

Clearly enough, this is why we see a lot of foreign workers hanging around Lucky Plaza.

By SinYen & JONG

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