Friday, September 12, 2008

HMV (CityLink Mall)

Date: Tuesday, 9th Sept. 2008
Time: 12:25PM

They have spotlights shining especially on their discs. They also have big clear section headings and numberings as well. This makes it easier to look at and the lightings make it visually appealing. They also hang up huge posters or CD album covers all over the walls of their stores. They stick their price tags on the top right side of the disc casings. The discs are also placed neatly in rows on the shelves, with the front facing the customers.

And normally, they put more than one of the same discs on the same row. There’s repetition. It attracts me more as compared to having just one disc. Maybe, it’s because of the repetition? Or the view of a bigger image as a whole?

Their listening stations have clear interface as well. It was easy to use and to trial listen to the discs available. Normally, they play happy/dance/popular/latest music in the background to attract the customers into their store. They also have TV screens playing music videos but there was no sound. And their TV screens were small. I thought that it was dumb.

They have a few different sections in the store itself; music, movies, magazines, and accessories. Their stuff is neatly sub-categorized as well. It makes it easy for anyone to find what they want.

I'll talk about Music Establishment in the next post. How is it different or as compared to HMV?


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