Monday, September 8, 2008

Cold Storage (Causeway Point)

Date: Friday, 5th Sept. 2008
Time: 11:30AM

On first sight, we saw the colorful fruits/vegetables section. They appeared bright and fresh which looked appealingly enough to attract the customers to enter. That’s what I think. You know, bright colors make us cheerful?

Their items are neatly placed and fully stocked up. The items are placed upright as well. They placed their items in a way that the front packaging of the product is facing the customers when they look at it. You wouldn’t want to see the barcode of the product right?

Most of the times, they place the smaller items at the top of the shelves and the bigger items at the bottom. Why? That’s common sense! It’s easier to take right? Let’s say if you need to buy a crate of drinks and it’s placed right at the top of the shelves… it might just fall on you while you are trying to take it down and that would be dangerous. Yes, very dangerous!

There are clear section headings/signs all around the supermarket as well. However, I noticed that they do not use colors to differentiate their sections.

They have big clear pricings of the products as well.

They have huge walking space for the customers as well. You wouldn’t like to squeeze with the other shoppers too right? Think of the huge trolleys and the accessibility.

Sometimes, a certain product may have been displayed at more than one location in the supermarket. What do I mean by that? Take for example, the Oreo! It was seen in the dairy/milk section as well as in the cookie/cereal section. They do place matching products together as well to further promote it. Like, milk goes with cookies.

Another point that I feel is, it’s good having a huge walking space and that the related products are closely grouped together on the shelves (with no space in between). Why? This is because it allows me to be able to stand back and take a look at the ‘whole picture’. It is easier for me to refer and to do comparisons with the pricings and stuff.

At the cashier area, while the customers are waiting in queue, that’s when their eyes start to look around and wander… and what we normally see near the cashier area are products such as sweets, batteries, magazines, medication (panadol) and condoms etc. Sometimes, we don’t really need them, but we’ll just buy them when we see it right?

Another point is that, after you make your payment and walking out of the cashier, most of the times we are greeted by those one-dollar coin machines. You know, those cute little toys stuffed inside the capsule thing. Yes, I think that it is because after making payment, most of us normally would get back some loose change and that’s why they placed those machines there. Kids love it.

I'll continue about the NTUC Fairprice in the next entry.


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