Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stacked Bar Chart Research

Stacked Bar Chart

This view displays all points from different series, but with the same argument, stacked in a single bar. (For instance, this is useful to show that each bar represents a particular category.) So, the height of each bar is determined by the total of all the series values for the category.

Credits: DevExpress

We can make use of different colour legends to differentiate our categories. The choice of colours can also represent a certain value, such as the number of views/popularity. (E.g. The more popular a particular category is, the more bright and saturated its colour will be?)

The X-Axis value in the above picture represents a timeline. We can use that too. Otherwise, it can even be used to represent each main category. The coloured bars are sub-categories. Possible?

The Y-Axis value of the bars can also represent various values. It can be the number of views/visits, number of works, number of awards, and many more. Users must be able to understand the value it represents and also the meaning behind it, which should cater to the users' preferences and needs.

By Chun Kiat

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