Saturday, November 1, 2008

Typography Based References

Here's some references that I've found, which may be useful in helping to solve the problems we're facing with Interface Design.

Site 1:

This website offers a typography-based inteface to showcase a portfolio of works too, but instead of stacking upwards like us, their content is shown downwards.

Look at the way how the space is cleverly made use of. The words are all right at the top of the page, leaving a big big big space below. It straight away gives an impression that more is to come within the empty space.

Everything is also neatly arranged and users can see the steps they had taken as they navigate through the site. There is a clear hierachy of navigation, and everything is shown within the same page. Not much transition, changing of background and graphics... It's just very simple, direct and efficient.

Think we can also be as simple and direct? =)

Site 2:

Okay, there's nothing much about interface design. But this is a good site i've found to find out more about how typography can aid any form of design interfaces. =)

Hope what I found here helps!

By Chun Kiat

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