Monday, October 20, 2008


What Users Look For:
- What is this course about
- Why should I join this course
- Is this course good enough for me
- What will I learn from this course
- What lies ahead in my future if I join this course
- How good are they compared to other courses

Users Want Interface To Be:
- Clear, Simple and easy to understand
- Easy to navigate around, won't get lost
- No slow loading time
- Able to find information required directly
- Better layout + graphics than other similar courses?

Magazine Layout

Newspapers/Magazines have an interesting way of getting their message across, thru their different layouts, the way they emphasize on their headlines, and attract users to read their contents. If not, then why are some newspapers and magazines more popular than some others?

E.g. Why does so many ppl like to buy The New Paper as compared to other choices like Straits Times, Today, etc? Why did TNP change their interface treatment recently? It's so as to attract more readers and inject a different experience for readers when reading news.

Magazines have similar effects with their cover page, as the way how they arrange their cover page layout will help them gain an edge over competitors. Magazine contents are also carefully planned to make sure that readers stay hooked to the magazine and even find it worth subscribing to.

E.g. Compare Lime Magazine to Teenage Magazine, or Cleo as compared to other female magazines... what makes them stand out? Even though it's just words and pictures, you can always sense an attitude in the magazines. And that's the kind of attitude I hope we can express too, to attract the similar target audience.

Personal Opinions:
Our target audience is teenagers, and I feel that they would be attracted to a pop style treatment to our interface. There's also a good reason why teens love magazines like Lime, Teenage, and prefers to read TNP than other newspapers...

And one good reason why we chose to make use of typography is because it sends both a Visual and Verbal message to our intended audience. Hence, thru a newsletter layout, we can emphasize on our contents through LOUD, CLEAR and EXPRESSIVE "headlines", and inject a certain attitude into our interface.

Whether this will turn out to be boring or interesting depends on how well we can express our attitude through the words we use, and how interesting our layout can be as well. We must look into what makes teenage magazines successful, and how they keep teenagers hooked to their contents.

That's what I came up with for now. Hope this helps. =)

By Chun Kiat

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